Women in every country have a secret each in beautifying herself. The secret of heredity can you try!
1. Australia
Women in rural Australia, especially Aboriginal people have a ritual using yarrow flower roots to eliminate and prevent stretch marks on the skin. Root extract is also able to make skin soft and combat swelling.
2. Chile
Chilean women are exotic skin looked healthy and was very simple secret that is diligently eating antioxidant-rich wine. Other way? fruit puree of red wine and add 2 tablespoons of flour powder and apply to face as a mask let stand for 10 minutes and rinse face with cold water.
3. Dominican Republic
Women of this country have a healthy and strong nails. The secret? Garlic! Puree the garlic and place in airtight bottles for 7-10 days. After that garlic can be used for seasoning foods as well as to mask the nail (so shiny and strong).
4. Mesir
Queen Cleopatra was already known to have an incomparable beauty. Women who conquered many hearts he was pleased milk baths to rejuvenate the skin and discard the layer of dead skin. Add 2 cups of whole milk in your bath water well so that added beautiful skin.
4. France
France is famous for women who like to treat yourself to a salon. Ranging from facials to massage and scrub. Other way? using a mixture of Cherry and Pomegranate fruit. Blend and apply on face. Let stand for 5-6 minutes. Now your skin will be more bright and humid.
5. Greece
Greek women's skin is the best type of skin ever. They have good skin pigment and is less susceptible to attacks due to sun spots. The secret? They like to eat fish and consume fish oils rich in omega 3 and 6 are good for skin elasticity. Another secret? Olive oil or fruit directly.
6. Israel
Israeli women love to do a ritual detox to remove toxins in the body. The trick? mix 1 / 4 cup salt (sea) bath, a tip tablespoon kelp powder, 1 / 2 cup olive oil and 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Voila, created as a scrub once a week.
7. Italy
Beautiful hair? Yes, Italian women for example. The trick? Combine 1 cup plain yogurt with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Rinse the hair and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
8. Japan
Japan? The secret of seaweed and fish! Two of these foods will stimulate the skin and make skin supple, healthy and bright.
9. Spain
Spanish women also have beautiful hair. They are diligent in washing their hair with cranberry juice extract.
10. Sweden
Clean skin glow of Swedish women because they enjoy a diet of fruit and fish. In addition they are also diligent sauna bath. To moisturize the skin can use a sauna with the aroma of green tea and eucalyptus leaf oil mixture is added olive oil
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Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Beetle Juice For Men Impotence Drug

Yes, frog juice was actually there and has efficacy for treating some diseases, but for certain people, this juice is more popular because it can treat impotence in men.
In Peru, the juice of this kind are often called 'Viagra' because it is very suitable for those with impotence. Peruvian society believes frog juice has a property as an addition to stamina. Frog juice or extracto de shutter is especially in demand in local markets Lima. Because, in addition to the treatment of impotence, this juice can also treat other diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and lethargic body.
The main aphrodisiac effect probably comes from the juice is one of the ingredients called Maca plant which is the famous South American origin for erotic power.
When you walk in the market city of Lima, some sellers frog juice will be ready to serve you. One of them is Carmen Gonzalez.
If a customer approached him, with alacrity, Carmen immediately plucked one of the frogs from the aquarium shop car and slammed the frog is on the table to kill it. Then, made two incisions along its belly and skinned like corn. Carmen then mixing three tablespoons of hot white bean broth, two spoonfuls of honey, and aloe vera, and do not miss a few tablespoons of maca into the blender. Once mixed, she put the toads into the batter. The result, drinks such as milkshakes that stung the throat.
Per day, there are at least 50 customers who came to drink the juice stall Carmen frogs. They enjoy the juice is like people who want to relax drinking coffee in the morning or late afternoon.
3 Things Prohibited Before Age 30 Years
Many ways to delay the appearance of wrinkles or dull skin. However, that does not mean you are encouraged to undergo a variety of skin care technology. If you are under 30 years, a lot of skin care that you do not need.
Because, at the age between 20 to 30 years, the skin is in most excellent condition. Too many treatments will actually result in less good for the skin. Anything, really, things that do not need to be done before the age of 30?
Botox Botox is allowed only to improve muscle disorders, such as repetitive twitch. You do not need botox to tackle wrinkles, because skin cells are still active and could be improved malleability.
What can be done: To beautify the face, do routine maintenance, keep the food, getting enough sleep and exercise. Do not forget to take care of skin elasticity with a moisturizer in the morning and night cream before bed.
Try skin whitening Not a few whitening products that contain mercury. This bleach does give instant results in a short time. If used in the long run, mercury metal deposition will occur on the skin. If you stop, the skin appears darker than the original. Similarly, the content hidroquinone in bleach. Use of hidroquinone in a long time to make an uneven skin tone.
Tip: Use the whitening products are officially registered. Should always consult with doctors for skin health continues to be monitored. If you already have one of these skin problems above, do get intensive treatment at a dermatologist. The skin can be returned in original condition, provided you perform regular maintenance in the long run.
Injectable vitamin C. Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for the skin, which can prevent premature aging. At the age under 30 years, the requirement of vitamin C can still be treated effectively with oral consumption.
Suggestion: Include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C berkandungan in the daily diet.
Because, at the age between 20 to 30 years, the skin is in most excellent condition. Too many treatments will actually result in less good for the skin. Anything, really, things that do not need to be done before the age of 30?
Botox Botox is allowed only to improve muscle disorders, such as repetitive twitch. You do not need botox to tackle wrinkles, because skin cells are still active and could be improved malleability.
What can be done: To beautify the face, do routine maintenance, keep the food, getting enough sleep and exercise. Do not forget to take care of skin elasticity with a moisturizer in the morning and night cream before bed.
Try skin whitening Not a few whitening products that contain mercury. This bleach does give instant results in a short time. If used in the long run, mercury metal deposition will occur on the skin. If you stop, the skin appears darker than the original. Similarly, the content hidroquinone in bleach. Use of hidroquinone in a long time to make an uneven skin tone.
Tip: Use the whitening products are officially registered. Should always consult with doctors for skin health continues to be monitored. If you already have one of these skin problems above, do get intensive treatment at a dermatologist. The skin can be returned in original condition, provided you perform regular maintenance in the long run.
Injectable vitamin C. Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for the skin, which can prevent premature aging. At the age under 30 years, the requirement of vitamin C can still be treated effectively with oral consumption.
Suggestion: Include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C berkandungan in the daily diet.
Arnold Schwarzenegger-Maria Shriver for Rp34 Trillion Assets
Arnold Schwarzenegger & Maria Shriver (Photo: Splashnews)
Maria Shriver Arnold Schwarzenegger has sued for divorce. And now the couple married 25 years agreed to halve the property amounting to USD400 million (Rp34 trillion).
Under California law, all income and other property owned during marriage is considered common property. Based on reports TMZ on Monday (04/06/2011), Arnold has a property of approximately USD300 million. Meanwhile, Mary had $ 100 million. Because of their long-married, it would be difficult to determine each property before the marriage.
Of course, this is a theoretical procedure. The public will never know the requirements of the final property settlement because not only it will be a secret, but it also will not be prosecuted.
In addition to halve the joint property, Arnold is also required to give her money and attorney fees if the judge approved the petition to end the marriage.
Menggungat Mary Arnold who married her 25 years of being caught cheating in May 2011 then. Arnold affair with the housekeeper who had worked for 20 years.
In his complaint, she requested joint custody of their two children Patrick (17) and Christopher (13). He also wanted to get alimony from the Terminator star and asked him to pay a lawyer. Maria and Arnold also has two adult children who are aged, namely Katherine (21) and Christina (19).
Maria Shriver Arnold Schwarzenegger has sued for divorce. And now the couple married 25 years agreed to halve the property amounting to USD400 million (Rp34 trillion).
Under California law, all income and other property owned during marriage is considered common property. Based on reports TMZ on Monday (04/06/2011), Arnold has a property of approximately USD300 million. Meanwhile, Mary had $ 100 million. Because of their long-married, it would be difficult to determine each property before the marriage.
Of course, this is a theoretical procedure. The public will never know the requirements of the final property settlement because not only it will be a secret, but it also will not be prosecuted.
In addition to halve the joint property, Arnold is also required to give her money and attorney fees if the judge approved the petition to end the marriage.
Menggungat Mary Arnold who married her 25 years of being caught cheating in May 2011 then. Arnold affair with the housekeeper who had worked for 20 years.
In his complaint, she requested joint custody of their two children Patrick (17) and Christopher (13). He also wanted to get alimony from the Terminator star and asked him to pay a lawyer. Maria and Arnold also has two adult children who are aged, namely Katherine (21) and Christina (19).
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
10 Work Dangerous to Your Lungs
Nearly 23,000 workers suffering from diseases associated with lung in 2008, as estimated by the Department of Labor in the United States. Chronic, more than 16,000 people die from the disease each year, as quoted from the Health. But most types of lung disease from the workplace can be prevented, says Philip Harber, MD, Professor sekliagus Division Head Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UCLA. "The steps are simple but real control can reduce risk exposure and disease," he said. Here are 10 professions that may pose a risk to the health of your lungs.
1. Construction
Workers who inhale dust in the demolition or renovation of a high risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis; disease that causes scarring and stiffness of the lungs. "We're concerned about workers who already work from 20 to 30 years ago," said Dr. Harber. That time is when many products containing asbestos is not banned. Wearing protective clothing, including respirators, when working around old buildings and avoiding smoking can help prevent serious diseases.
2. Food factory
Food factory workers can be exposed to dust, chemicals, gases, and draws them on risks CPOD disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or prolonged shortness of breath. In food crops, substance diacetyl, a flavoring ingredient that is used in popcorn, some wine, and prepared foods, can cause devastating disease and is sometimes called bronchiolitis obliterans lethal, close relatives of COPD.
3. Health
An estimated 8% to 12 health workers sensitive to the gunpowder residue found in latex gloves, which can cause severe asthmatic reactions. "Even when used in the same room, a bit of latex exposure in the air and people become allergic to it," said Dr. Harber. But for the doctors and nurses, do not use protective gloves is not an option. Some private hospitals have switched to synthetic-free latex gloves.
4. Textiles
Byssinosis, also called brown lung disease, commonly found among the textile workers who make seats, towels, socks, bed linens, and clothing. Workers can inhale the particles released from cotton or other materials. "When the cotton broke out, he spread a large amount of dust and air can cause significant disruption," said Dr. Harber. Smoking increases the risk of the disease, so reducing smoking, wear masks and increase ventilation in the work environment.
5. Bartender
Creating a drink in a smoky room, making a bartender at high risk for lung disease, particularly if they are regularly to secondhand smoke for years. Currently, many states prohibit smoking in restaurants and bars. According to Dr. Harber, studies show that respiratory health among bartenders in cities with smoking bans have dramatically increased. If you work in a city that still allows smoking in bars, a good ventilation system may be helpful.
6. Bread & Cake Factory
Baking of bread or cake accelerate the risk of asthma, an estimated 15% of cases of asthma in adults obtained from this work. "Workers exposed to flour dust at high risk of sensitive and allergic," Dr. Harber said. An asthmatic reaction of the enzyme that is used to transform the dough, as well as allergies warehouse full of small insects such as beetles and moths are the trigger. Good ventilation and use of protective masks can help prevent disease in a bakery or pastry.
7. Automotive Industry
Asthma is a risk for those who do the painting cars. Isocyanate and polyurethane products, can irritate the skin, making allergies, and cause tightness in the chest and severe difficulty breathing. "The small amount of isocyanate can trigger an asthma attack once you get used to breathe it," said Dr. Harber. How to prevent it? Respirator, gloves, goggles, and good ventilation can help.
8. Transportation
Lorry drivers, or those who dismantle and unloading merchandise at the dock, until the train drivers CPOD fire risk. Diesel exhaust is the biggest factor. A study in 2004 found an association between high rates of death from lung cancer among railroad workers in the United States after the industry switched from using coal to diesel engines in the 1950s. Avoid direct exposure to the air are exposed to diesel engine exhaust and wear protective masks to help reduce the risk of lung disease.
9. Mining
Miners are at high risk for a number of lung diseases, including CPOD, due to exposure to dust, said Dr. Harber said. Air Silica, also known as quartz, can cause silicosis, a disease that scars the lungs. Coal miners are also at risk of developing other types of disease of lung scarring called pneumoconiosis (black lung). Exposure to coal dust for years was the source. Do not smoke and use a dust mask may help.
10. Fire brigade
The firemen used to inhale smoke and various chemicals that may exist in a burning building. Although respiratory equipment is better able to protect. They do not always wear it while on duty in an emergency, especially when the officer through the debris to ensure that the fire does not turn back. Exposure to toxic materials and asbestos is the biggest risk. The solution, the International Association of Firefighters recommend wearing respiratory protective equipment at all stages of fire suppression.
Each job is a risk each - respectively. Whatever the job (the Halal), we must be grateful for.
Superman Giant Crystal Cave Discovered in Mexico

Geologists exploring caves in Mexico are amazing. This cave was first discovered two sections looking for a way out in 2001. This cave has an amazing line of crystals similar to 'home' Superman Arctic.
'Light' stunning white gypsum has been grown for hundreds of thousands of years in caves under the Naica, Mexico. In the ten years after the discovery, scientists make a petition to the Mexican government to claim this cave as a Unesco World Heritage.
This is done to protect the unique cave formations that future generations can be seen as the Telegraph reported.
In Taipei, Dirt Dog can be exchanged for Gold

Then terbitlah nan unique idea is brilliant but expensive. Government willing to trade with gold dog poop. If you have a dog, fed manure, then change with the gold from the city.
As quoted from Taiwannews, the city determined that from 1 August, residents who have dogs with dog feces can redeem lottery tickets. Raffle tickets will be exchanged for gold with varying weight and value. Gold provided starting at NT $ 12 thousand and NT $ 60 thousand.
"With this we hope to draw more public attention to environmental sanitation and have a more active role in maintaining a clean environment," said one officer from the Environment Department of the City, Chen Chao Mint.
That is not the only way to maintain cleanliness of the city government. They also encourage local residents to form a patrol team environment and educating citizens to recognize the importance of cleaning up their pets.
In addition to swapping dirt with gold before, there is another bonus for the citizens of that city. Those who report people who deliberately leave manure on the road, they will get the prize money.
Where does the money to pay the city's residents. Yes, from the offender. "Violators will be fined between NT $ 1,200 up to NT $ 6 thousand. Half of the fines would be used to reward informers," added Chen.
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