Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Beauty secrets from 10 Countries Produce World's Most Beautiful Women

Women in every country have a secret each in beautifying herself. The secret of heredity can you try!
1. Australia

Women in rural Australia, especially Aboriginal people have a ritual using yarrow flower roots to eliminate and prevent stretch marks on the skin. Root extract is also able to make skin soft and combat swelling.

2. Chile

Chilean women are exotic skin looked healthy and was very simple secret that is diligently eating antioxidant-rich wine. Other way? fruit puree of red wine and add 2 tablespoons of flour powder and apply to face as a mask let stand for 10 minutes and rinse face with cold water.

3. Dominican Republic

Women of this country have a healthy and strong nails. The secret? Garlic! Puree the garlic and place in airtight bottles for 7-10 days. After that garlic can be used for seasoning foods as well as to mask the nail (so shiny and strong).

4. Mesir

Queen Cleopatra was already known to have an incomparable beauty. Women who conquered many hearts he was pleased milk baths to rejuvenate the skin and discard the layer of dead skin. Add 2 cups of whole milk in your bath water well so that added beautiful skin.

4. France 

France is famous for women who like to treat yourself to a salon. Ranging from facials to massage and scrub. Other way? using a mixture of Cherry and Pomegranate fruit. Blend and apply on face. Let stand for 5-6 minutes. Now your skin will be more bright and humid.

5. Greece 

Greek women's skin is the best type of skin ever. They have good skin pigment and is less susceptible to attacks due to sun spots. The secret? They like to eat fish and consume fish oils rich in omega 3 and 6 are good for skin elasticity. Another secret? Olive oil or fruit directly.

6. Israel

Israeli women love to do a ritual detox to remove toxins in the body. The trick? mix 1 / 4 cup salt (sea) bath, a tip tablespoon kelp powder, 1 / 2 cup olive oil and 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Voila, created as a scrub once a week.

7. Italy 

Beautiful hair? Yes, Italian women for example. The trick? Combine 1 cup plain yogurt with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Rinse the hair and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

8. Japan

Japan? The secret of seaweed and fish! Two of these foods will stimulate the skin and make skin supple, healthy and bright.

9. Spain

Spanish women also have beautiful hair. They are diligent in washing their hair with cranberry juice extract.

10. Sweden

Clean skin glow of Swedish women because they enjoy a diet of fruit and fish. In addition they are also diligent sauna bath. To moisturize the skin can use a sauna with the aroma of green tea and eucalyptus leaf oil mixture is added olive oil

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