Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Beetle Juice For Men Impotence Drug

You certainly get used to drink a variety of juices, such as fruit and vegetable juice or a mixture of both to maintain health and treat disease. However, what if you were treated frog juice?

Yes, frog juice was actually there and has efficacy for treating some diseases, but for certain people, this juice is more popular because it can treat impotence in men.
In Peru, the juice of this kind are often called 'Viagra' because it is very suitable for those with impotence. Peruvian society believes frog juice has a property as an addition to stamina. Frog juice or extracto de shutter is especially in demand in local markets Lima. Because, in addition to the treatment of impotence, this juice can also treat other diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and lethargic body.

The main aphrodisiac effect probably comes from the juice is one of the ingredients called Maca plant which is the famous South American origin for erotic power.
When you walk in the market city of Lima, some sellers frog juice will be ready to serve you. One of them is Carmen Gonzalez.

If a customer approached him, with alacrity, Carmen immediately plucked one of the frogs from the aquarium shop car and slammed the frog is on the table to kill it. Then, made two incisions along its belly and skinned like corn. Carmen then mixing three tablespoons of hot white bean broth, two spoonfuls of honey, and aloe vera, and do not miss a few tablespoons of maca into the blender. Once mixed, she put the toads into the batter. The result, drinks such as milkshakes that stung the throat.
Per day, there are at least 50 customers who came to drink the juice stall Carmen frogs. They enjoy the juice is like people who want to relax drinking coffee in the morning or late afternoon.

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